John Cole steps down after 35 years as chair of the Committee of Trustees
John’s proudest moment was the move to new Fairfield

After 35 years, John Cole is stepping down as Chairman of the Fairfield Committee at the end of March.
John has guided and inspired the Committee of Trustees, giving of his time, his sound business experience and his calm, considered opinions to ensure the safe running of Fairfield as a care home. Fairfield has always had a superb reputation for the level of care, support and friendship given by the Staff to the Residents and John is leaving his post with that reputation firmly intact.
John said, “I have loved my time as Chairman over nearly 35 years but this is the right time to hand over the responsibility. Fairfield is now firmly settled in its new home and, as a result, we have been able to look after a much larger number of Residents and to provide them with much enhanced facilities and opportunities. I will therefore be leaving Fairfield having done all I can and with wonderful Staff and a committed and very able board of Trustees.”
The ultimate high point of John’s achievements was the move to New Fairfield in 2018. The Trustees had identified that, however much they tried, there would come a point when the Victorian house that was ‘Old’ Fairfield would no longer be suitable as a first class residential home. John helped their vision to materialise by selling the old home to University College and building a bigger home, with increased garden and orchard areas, by using part of the old garden and part of University College’s adjoining land.
John led the Trustees throughout the building process, saw the Residents move in, enjoyed the formal opening of New Fairfield by HRH the Duke of Gloucester in 2018 and has helped us to celebrate our first birthday too!
I am leaving Fairfield having done all I can and with wonderful Staff and a committed and very able board of Trustees
He adds, “If you were to ask me what was absolute best moment of my Chairmanship, I would tell you that it was the evening before the Residents moved from Old to New Fairfield, when all of the carpets and decoration had been completed, all the boxes and wrappings had been taken away and when I walked into the Hub. Although I had seen endless plans and drawings, it was only then that I really went “Wow” and knew instantly that we had got it right.”
In honour of his leadership, the new dining room is named after him. John may be leaving the Committee, but not his involvement in Fairfield. Staff, Residents and friends of Fairfield will be seeing him on a regular basis, probably in the John Cole Dining Room – where else?