Losing a loved one
Thanks for caring
With Fairfield being a residential care home for the elderly, sadly from time to time residents reach the end of their life and pass away. Each time, the families loose their loved one, the staff loose a friend and the other residents loose a companion.
At this time of sadness, joy comes in different ways. Recently we received this lovely letter of thanks from the son of a resident following her passing, which put a smile on the faces of the care staff here at Fairfield who had looked after her.
Messages of thanks reflect the wonderful care given by the staff
“As I write this letter, I still remember my first visit to Fairfield 7 years ago when it was immediately clear that this was the ideal place for my mother to spend the last years of her life. This was fully borne out when she arrived and settled in as if it had always been her home. I can honestly say that she has never once complained about anything during her time with you: she loved being at Fairfield and particularly all your marvellous staff who have been so kind to her.
It is sad that she is no longer with us. She will leave a big gap in her family’s lives but also I suspect in the lives of those she encountered at Fairfield. Her sole motivation in life was to be a force for good and to follow the profound faith she and there can be no better achievement than that.
Thank you all of you for making her final years so special. We are so grateful to you for that and cannot imagine life without our regular visits to Fairfield. “
Stephen, son of a Fairfield resident